Visitors 61067
1095 photos, 14 videos

Welcome to Whitchurch Photographic Society's – WPS website. WPS was founded in 1962 by local photographic enthusiasts to share photographic knowledge, which still continues today in a diverse and changing format with likeminded members from North Shropshire and South Cheshire.

We are a friendly group of people with many interests who range from  beginners to experienced photographers.

We meet at the Senior Citizens Club, Pearl Yard, Whitchurch SY13 1AQ every Tuesday evening from September to May and on a monthly basis during the summer.

We open Pearl Yard at 7pm for a 7.30pm start, and are usually finished for 9.30pm, although on odd occasions, enthusiasm has caused us to finish a little later!

Occasional ZOOM meetings however, start at 7.15pm, usually finishing at a similar time.

We have a full calendar of interesting events that includes:

  • both internal competitions and external ones with other clubs.
  • lectures by both guest speakers and club members.
  • practical photographic sessions, at Pearl Yard and in other places of interest.

Take a moment to look at our programme by clicking the 'What's On / Programme' tab at the top or click the 'News' tab to see our latest blog.

Members are welcome to upload their own images to the site.

The membership subscription is £35 per annum with a door fee for meetings of £2.50 for members.

Visitors may attend their first two meetings free of charge, after which they will be charged £4.00 per meeting (maximum 6 meetings at this rate).

WPS is affiliated to the PAGB (Photographic Alliance of Great Britain) through the MCPF (Midland Counties Photographic Federation).

For more information, or to join WPS, please click link below.


This will open your own email editor.Our Membership Secretary David Powell, will be pleased to hear from you and will get back to you as soon as possible.