Whitchurch Photographic Society - evening programme 2018-19


Last updated 25/7/18                Download here -  (Click here to download the pdf version of this programme)

Please note the following changes to the originally published programme:

12-Mar-19   Lecture    John Cartlidge - Ink Expressions. This event has been cancelled. In its place we are going to have a Member’s evening, "The Good, The Bad, and the 'Could be Improved'!", split into two halves:

  • In the first half, some of the committee members will bring in prints which have had faults pointed out by judges in competitions for people to try to spot.
  • In the second half we will look at prints and PDIs that members think aren’t good and would like to improve, for general feedback, so please bring in a couple of prints or PDIs that you think could be improved, but aren't sure what should be done to improve it.

12-Feb-19 Inter-Club Oswestry vs Wrexham vs Whitchurch (AWAY - Oswestry date TBC). The date has now been confirmed, and is on Wednesday, March 20th, in the Sweeney Hall Hotel, Oswestry. Start time is 19:30. We have been warned that we should arrive early as the car park is not that big and it gets VERY busy.

(This change is shown in the following tables.)

Trip to Slimbridge Wetland Centre

This will take place on 16th and 17th February 2019. Please see Marc Brimble for details.


1) In date order:

18-Sep-18 Social Chairman's Evening - The Art in Photography
25-Sep-18 Lecture Ian Stewart - To Flash or Not to Flash, That is the Question?
02-Oct-18 Members Evening Abstract Photography - Marc Brimble (changed from 27-11-18) (+ final hand-in for Open Comp 09 Oct)
09-Oct-18 Club Comp Open Club Competition 
16-Oct-18 Members Evening Shrewsbury Open Photo Exhibition
23-Oct-18 Lecture Dianne Owen - Creative Photography, The Next Step
30-Oct-18 Inter-Club Nantwich vs Whitchurch (HOME) 
06-Nov-18 Members Evening Street Photography - Marc Brimble/Stuart Ord
13-Nov-18 Friendly Comp Captured in Camera Comp (member judged )(+ final hand-in for Open Comp 20Nov)
20-Nov-18 Club Comp Open Club Competition - This Year's Work
27-Nov-18 Special Guest Lecture Geraldine Stephenson ARPS,DPAGB - A never ending Journey  (changed from 2-10-18)
04-Dec-18 Inter-Club Newport vs Whitchurch (HOME) (+ final hand-in for Set Subject Comp 11Dec)
11-Dec-18 Club Comp Set Subject Club Competition -  "Like a Painting"
18-Dec-18 Social Christmas Party
25-Dec-18 no meeting no meeting
01-Jan-19 no meeting no meeting
08-Jan-19 Members Evening Friendly Club Critique - bring along a photo or two for some positive constructive criticism
15-Jan-19 Friendly Comp Panel Evening (member judged)
22-Jan-19 Lecture Bob Dennis - What Judges look for
29-Jan-19 Friendly Comp AV Evening - Images to Music and Documentaries (member judged)
05-Feb-19 Lecture Brian Law - Landscape Photography - Theory and Practice
12-Feb-19 Members Evening Photo Re-touching - Paul Nash
19-Feb-19 Friendly Comp It's a Knockout - Prints (member judged) (+ final hand-in for Portfolio Comp 26 Feb)
20-Feb-19 Inter-Club Oswestry vs Wrexham vs Whitchurch - Away, at the Sweeney Hall Hotel, Oswestry. 19:30 start.
26-Feb-19 Club Comp Portfolio Competition (1) Abstract, Monochrome, Landscape 
05-Mar-19 Members Evening Facebook, Social Media and the WPS Web page - Sandy Robertson/Stuart Ord
12-Mar-19 Member's Evening The Good, The Bad, and the 'Could be Improved'!
19-Mar-19 Friendly Comp It's A Knockout PDI's (member judged) (+ final hand-in for Portfolio Comp 26 Mar)
26-Mar-19 Club Comp Portfolio Competition (2) Nature, Street and Open
27-Mar-19 Inter-Club Marchweil vs Whitchurch (AWAY - date TBC)
02-Apr-19 Members Evening Table Top Practical -  Macro and Close Up Photography
09-Apr-19 Lecture Gary Jones - From the Mountains to the Sea (+ final hand-in for image of the year 16Apr)
16-Apr-19 Club Comp Image of The Year Competition
23-Apr-19 Social President's Evening and Social Event
30-Apr-19 AGM Annual General Meeting and Presentations


2) Grouped by activity type

30-Apr-19 AGM Annual General Meeting and Presentations
09-Oct-18 Club Comp Open Club Competition 
20-Nov-18 Club Comp Open Club Competition - This Years Work
11-Dec-18 Club Comp Set Subject Club Competition - "Like a Painting"
26-Feb-19 Club Comp Portfolio Competition (1) Abstract, Monochrome, Landscape 
26-Mar-19 Club Comp Portfolio Competition (2) Nature, Street and Open
16-Apr-19 Club Comp Image of The Year Competition
13-Nov-18 Friendly Comp Captured in Camera Competition (member judged )
15-Jan-19 Friendly Comp Panel Evening (member judged)
29-Jan-19 Friendly Comp AV Evening - Images to Music and Documentaries (member judged)
19-Feb-19 Friendly Comp It's a Knockout - Prints (member judged)
19-Mar-19 Friendly Comp It's A Knockout PDI's (member judged)
30-Oct-18 Inter-Club Nantwich vs Whitchurch (HOME) 
04-Dec-18 Inter-Club Newport vs Whitchurch (HOME)
12-Feb-19 Inter-Club Oswestry vs Wrexham vs Whitchurch (AWAY - Oswestry date TBC) 
27-Mar-19 Inter-Club Marchweil vs Whitchurch (AWAY - date TBC)
25-Sep-18 Lecture Ian Stewart - To Flash or Not to Flash, That is the Question?
23-Oct-18 Lecture Dianne Owen - Creative Photography, The Next Step
22-Jan-19 Lecture Bob Dennis - What Judges look for
05-Feb-19 Lecture Brian Law - Landscape Photography - Theory and Practice
12-Mar-19 Lecture John Cartlidge - Ink Expressions
09-Apr-19 Lecture Gary Jones - From the mountains to the Sea
27-Nov-18 Special Guest Lecture Geraldine Stephenson ARPS,DPAGB - A never ending Journey
16-Oct-18 Members Evening Shrewsbury Open Photo Exhibition
06-Nov-18 Members Evening Street Photography - Marc Brimble/Stuart Ord
02-Oct-18 Members Evening Abstract Photography - Marc Brimble
08-Jan-19 Members Evening Friendly Club Critique - bring along a photo or two for some positive constructive criticism
12-Feb-19 Members Evening Photo Re-touching - Paul Nash
05-Mar-19 Members Evening Facebook, Social Media and the WPS Web page - Sandy Robertson/Stuart Ord
02-Apr-19 Members Evening Table Top Practical - Macro and Close Up Photography
25-Dec-18 no meeting no meeting
01-Jan-19 no meeting no meeting
18-Sep-18 Social Chairman's Evening - The Art in Photography
18-Dec-18 Social Christmas Party
23-Apr-19 Social

President's Evening and Social Event