Whitchurch Photographic Society

(Affiliated to the Photographic Alliance of Great Britain through The Midlands Counties Photographic Federation.)




(1) The Society shall be called The Whitchurch Photographic Society. Membership is open to anyone interested in photography. Those aged under 16 must be accompanied by a parent or guardian, who must be an associate member, at all Society events.


(2)The aim of the Society is to provide an association for photographic activity and the furtherance of photographic knowledge, which will include, for example, exhibiting photographs, competing, sharing work with other such societies and clubs.


(3) Membership of the Society implies an undertaking to comply with and abide by these rules.


(4) The annual subscription shall be fixed for the following year at the Annual General Meeting and will fall due on 1st October each year. The name of any member whose subscription is in arrears after 31 December may be removed from the list by order of the committee.


(5) If misconduct with regard to the activities of the society is reported to, or observed by, the committee, the member concerned shall be invited to meet with the Chairman, Secretary and one other member of the committee, to discuss the matter and present their side of the story (accompanied by a friend if they so wish). If the committee, after hearing a report of this meeting, find the explanation unsatisfactory, and if the misconduct is continued and considered serious enough to require such action, then the member may be required to resign their membership of the society.

All committee proceedings and those of any special meetings called under this rule shall be treated as confidential.


(6) The Society officers shall consist of a President, Chairman, Secretary, Treasurer and committee members to cover the roles of Competition Officer, Programme Officer and IT Officer. The officers will be elected annually at the AGM, although the Chairmans term in office will normally be 3 years.


(7) Society affairs shall be managed by the committee as defined in (4) above and up to 3 co-opted members. All members of the committee will have an equal vote. Additionally the Chairman will also have a casting vote if required.


(8) The winners of the monochrome, colour print and projected image accumulated competitions and the portfolio competition will be asked to form the selection committee for the next year’s inter-club competitions. Up to 3 additional members can be co-opted to help.


(9) Special meetings may be convened on a requisition signed by at least four members stating the agenda content and sent to the secretary at least 14 days before the date proposed.


(10) At committee meetings, four shall form a quorum. If the Chairman is not present, the quorum may elect a Chairman for that meeting only, who will have a casting vote if required. At general meetings eight members will form a quorum.


(11) The Secretary shall keep minutes of all meetings and conduct the correspondence of the society.

The Treasurer shall collect all subscriptions and monies due. A balance sheet shall be drawn up by the Treasurer and audited by the person appointed by the committee. All forecast Society expenditure will be budgeted each year. Any expenditure over and above the approved club programme must be presented at a General Meeting for the membership to approve.


(12) No alteration or addition to these rules shall be made except at the AGM or a special meeting called in accordance with rule (9).