Whitchurch Photographic Society – WPS.
Affiliated to the Photographic Alliance of Great Britain through The Midlands Counties Photographic Federation.
Terms of reference and Constitution
(Modified by the Committee on 6th July 21)
Note that these terms apply NOW, but full approval will be sought at the 2022 AGM
- The Society shall be called the Whitchurch Photographic Society; membership is open to
anyone interested in photography. Those aged under 16 must be accompanied at all WPS events by a parent or guardian, who must be a WPS member
- The objectives of the Society as a membership based organisation are to provide an association for photographic activity and the furtherance of photographic knowledge, which will include e.g.exhibiting photographs, competitions both internal and external to the WPS, member development services, lectures and sharing work with other such societies and clubs.
- The formal status of WPS is that of an “Unincorporated Association “. This is a widely recognised organisational format for Community groups without the need for formal registration with a regulatory body. The WPS committee and Members will act in accordance with these Terms of Reference, the constitution and WPS objectives in paragraph 2 above and will be guided in their actions by appropriate values e.g. integrity, objectivity, accountability, openness ,honesty, leadership as derived from the“ Nolan Principles “
4.1 The AGM is a formal meeting held annually consisting of all WPS members to consider :
- Minutes of the previous year’s AGM
- Annual reports of officers / committee members
- Accounts for the last financial year
- Election of WPS Committee members as per the responsibilities in paragraph 7
- WPS Annual Programme
- Appointment of a person to examine and verify the annual accounts
- Other items as appropriate
4.2 The AGM delegates to the WPS committee the responsibility to act on behalf of all Members to fulfil the objectives of WPS as in paragraph 2 above on a day to day basis and report as appropriate.
4.3 Such actions as above would normally be taken by the WPS committee acting collectively and corporately and/ or individual officers acting within their functions as determined in paragraph 7 of the TOR. Where because of time issues or other exigencies it may be necessary to take Chairman’s action, then she / he is authorised to take such action in discussion with any colleagues as appropriate and which should be reported to the Committee at the next meeting .
5. The annual subscription shall be fixed for the following year at the Annual General Meeting and which will fall due in September each year. The name of any member whose subscription is in arrears after 31 December may be removed from the list by order of the Committee. WPS Members are defined as those who have paid their annual subscriptions except for Honorary members as elected by the Committee who do not pay subscription fees. Guests are very welcome to attend WPS meetings whilst considering the option of membership.
6. If misconduct by any member with regard to the activities of the society is reported to or observed by the Committee, the member concerned shall be invited to meet with the Chairman, Secretary and one other member of the Committee as appropriate to discuss the matter and present their views on the issue, accompanied by a friend if they so wish. If the WPS committee, after hearing a report of this meeting finds the explanation unsatisfactory and / or if the misconduct is continued and / or considered serious enough to require such action, then the member may be required to resign their membership of the society.
All Committee proceedings and those of any special meetings called under this rule shall be treated as confidential and the outcome reported to the WPS Committee.
7. The Society officers shall consist of a President, Chairman, Treasurer, Secretary and other officers as appropriate. The officers will be elected at the AGM to be convened between April and June ; the terms of office for the Chairman and the other Officers and Committee member will normally be 3 years which may be extended in length of years, the commencing terms of which will preferably be in different years. All members have a responsibility to liaise with WPS Committee colleagues to ensure collective understanding of issues and manage the functions below .The broad areas of post holders responsibilities are summarised below, which may be enhanced by more detailed statements. All committee members have a responsibility to welcome new members and visitors as appropriate. WPS affairs shall be managed by the WPS Committee as defined in this document. All members of the Committee will have an equal vote and the Chairman will have a casting vote if required. The agendas and minutes of the WPS Committee will be published on the website for information of members
As at 2021 the Committee includes the following posts; the post holders will prepare as appropriate reports for the WPS committee and the AGM;
- To represent WPS at external events and competitions
- To welcome and give votes of thanks to external speakers and judges
- To update members on current issues at weekly meetings
- To set up and close down the premises after meetings
- To present the Presidents annual address and introduce the AGM
- To coordinate publicity of WPS affairs in conjunction with the Secretary
- To Chair and lead WPS Committee meetings and the AGM.
- To liaise with the Secretary in setting agendas including reviewing documents and ensure action is taken re decisions of the WPS committee.
- To ensure the day to day running of the WPS in conjunction with Committee members
- To liaise with members for the development of WPS e.g. innovations,changes to annual programmes etc
- To ensure the overall effective management ofWPS affairs and to deal with any misconduct appropriately in accordance with paragraph 6 above
- To ensure in conjunction with the Secretary that protocols of action are determined for abnormal situations – e.g. COVID19 etc
- To prepare and distribute the agenda and papers for Committee meetings and the AGM in agreement with the Chairman
- To draft agree and ensure the minutes of Committee meetings and the AGM, ensuring action is taken as appropriate and undertake general correspondence
- To distribute information of interest to members and liaise with the MCPF, PAGB etc as appropriate
- To provide advice and prepare proposals on Governance ,constitutional issues and necessary protocols as may be required
- To welcome enquiries from potential members and to liaise with the Membership Secretary
- To work with the President on publicity for WPS affairs.
- To manage on a prudent basis the banking services ,finances and insurance services of and for WPS
- To pay all invoices for WPS services, consumables ,equipment etc
- To maintain a register of WPS assets and equipment
- To prepare annual forecast budgets ,in year expenditure reports and 3 year rolling budgets for the Committee to approve and to present Annual financial reports, a statement of account and a cash balance sheet to the AGM for approval
- To ensure that an independent examination and verification of WPS finances are undertaken annually as in paragraph 9
Competitions Secretary
- To manage internal and external competitions using the Photo Entry system, as appropriate
- To manage the selection of prints and PDI’s for external competitions with the Selection Sub committee
- To determine Competition awards, managing engraving of cups and preparing certificates for the Presentation evening
- To work with the Chairman and Programme Secretary to review and propose to the Committee /AGM any changes to the Competition rules
IT services team
- To be the webmaster for WPS
- To publish competition results on the WPS website
- To place information on the WPS website and update as appropriate
- To manage the IT equipment in conjunction with users, club meetings etc
- To advise the Committee on updating IT systems and keeping them in good working order
Programme Secretary
- To prepare and organise an interesting and varied WPS meeting schedule.
- To liaise with speakers and judges for internal and external competitions and ensure that their requirements are met. To send out reminders some 2 weeks before speakers and judges are due to arrive at WPS and organise substitutes where appropriate
- To liaise with the Treasurer and IT officer to ensure that appropriate funds, systems and equipment are in place for speakers and judges
- To work with the Chairman and Competition Secretary to ensure that the Competition Schedule and Rules are developed in concord for forthcoming seasons
Membership Secretary
- To manage and update WPS membership records and ensure that appropriate personal details are determined and recorded
- To circulate to the WPS committee and members annually updated lists of members for communications
- To ensure that membership records, their distribution, use and storage comply with GDPR standards
- To respond to enquires from potential new members and manage the membership processes
Members with special expertise
- Up to 3 members with special expertise and / or knowledge may be appointed at the AGM
8. The Committee will agree the production of an in year budget as part of a 3 year rolling indicative budget for WPS, the proposals for which will be informed by all Committee members and which will be approved initially by the Committee and then at the AGM. Expenditure will be contained within agreed budgetary limits and any flexibility therein will be agreed by the Committee and reported to the AGM for approval as appropriate.
9. Annual accounts will be kept by the Treasurer and be examined and verified each year by a suitably qualified or experienced person, external to the Society’s Membership and appointed in agreement by a minimum of 3 Committee Members including the Chairman, Secretary and 1 member other than the Treasurer.
- .. The Competition Selection subcommittee is composed of 3 WPS Committee members and up to 2 other WPS members on a rotational basis and is organised by the Competitions Secretary
11.. Special meetings may be convened by the Chairman or President following a request signed by at least four members stating the reasons, agenda and content thereof and sent to the Secretary. The date for any such meeting would normally be convened within 14 days of receipt of the request being received in writing
12. At Committee meetings, four members shall form a quorum. If the Chairman is not present, the quorum may elect a Chairman for that meeting only, who will have a casting vote if required. At General Meetings eight members will form a quorum.
13. Any alterations or additions to these Terms of Reference shall be made at the AGM or at a WPS Committee meeting which would then be subject to confirmation at the next AGM.
RJP V6 June 2021